Jane Wray, purchasing director for CESA, wrote a heartfelt testimony about ITFT’s new product, Soteria. We are honored to share that with you.
This device is amazing as it saves schools money and time when it comes to running buses and routes efficiently. Yet I sit here tonight paralyzed – staring at a blank screen and nothing coming to mind- because my heart is saddened with the senseless death of 4 children in 2 days while attempting to get on a bus. My mind wanders back to the days standing on the corner of Sycamore and McCann waiting for the bus – I remember doing homework of my own and others as we were riding to Sycamore. I remember the community we created crammed into that big yellow machine – the joys, tears, celebrations, broken hearts that each of us shared as we moved through the city. It never entered my mind so many years ago that a friend wouldn’t be on that bus or that my young eyes would see the tragedy that children have seen the past 2 days.
To make a bus safer and more efficient is by far one of the most important pieces of information a school can have. I am excited to bring ITFT to Wisconsin.
So as I stare at my screen and will find the voice to support a partner – I also want to share my voice that WE are responsible for each other. WE are responsible for the children that will be our future. So tonight as you read Facebook or count how many snickers your kids collected today – please remember – that child that is or is not yours is more important than posts, texts, calls, candy or even being on time. My heart is sad but my back is strong and therefore I will continue to fight for our schools, our teachers and our children. All I ask is you do too – pray, vote, pray some more. To make a bus safer and more efficient is by far one of the most important pieces of information a school can have. I am excited to bring ITFT to Wisconsin.